Q. 琺瑯を使用する上で気をつけなければいけない点は?/Are there any precautions to using enamel products?
A. 衝撃や落下があると、表面のガラス質にヒビ割れや破損が生じますのでご注意ください。
Q. There are a few precautions to using enamel products. Firstly, if you drop the enamel products the glass outer layer may crack or become damaged. Please be careful not to use metal-based scrubbing tools or any abrasive liquids to clean it as the strength of both of these can damage the enamel. Secondly, please be careful not to heat the products over the fire without having anything inside it there is a chance it will shatter. Lastly, please take care to dry the product and remove any moisture as this will lead to rust.
Q. 使用できる熱源は?/What kind of heat source are able to be used with enamel products?
A. ガス火・IH調理器・オーブンなどで使用できます。電子レンジには使えません。
〇底径が径12cm以上のもの ※接地面が小さいと反応しないケースがあるため。
〇底の形状が平らなもの ※平らでないとIHが感知せず、通電しないため。
製品詳細の備考に、IH100V対応 IH100V・200V対応 と記載のある製品は、IH電磁調理器対応品です。
A. The types of heat sources that are able to be used are
1. Gas stoves or open fire
2. IH cooking heaters
3. Ovens.
Please remember to not use the products in a microwave as the steel base will be dangerous in a microwave.
Please check the image below from the Japan Enamel Industry Associations mark of approval indicating the guidelines for products that are compatible with IH cooking heaters.
〇The diameter of the bottom of the product is over 12cm, if the contact area with the IH cooking heater is too small, the IH cooking heater may not turn on.
〇The bottom of the product is flat, if the product is not flat there may be a chance the IH cooking heater will not detect the product.
〇That the thickenss of the product is as advertised.
※The image below is a sticker that is on the box of the products.
Q. 琺瑯が欠けたり、剥がれたりしてしまうと、有害なものが出ますか?/If my enamel product becomes damaged or the paint comes off, are there any harmful substances?
A. 琺瑯の表面が剥がれても、素地が鉄ですので有害物質が発生することはありません。
A. Even if the paint comes off, the base is composed of steel and is completely safe. The material used in our products have no chemical reactions so rest be assured there will be no harm to our customers.
Q. 琺瑯をきれいに保つにはどのようなことに気をつければいいですか?/To make sure I can keep my enamel products in its best condition, what can I do to maintain it?
A. 表面がガラス質ですので、本来は汚れが落としやすい材質です。
A. With the outer layer being made of glass, it is naturally resistant to stains with stains being very easy to clean if any does appear on your product. You can regularly maintain it by using a non-harsh detergent and a soft sponge. After cleaning your product, please take care to remove any moisture as this is the main reason for rust buildup. Regular detergent or any non-harsh detergent is preferred as detergent with harsher chemicals can strip the glossy feel of the enamel. If you are using steel kitchen tools such as a steel ladle there is a chance the steel will strip from the ladle and latch onto the enamel making it look like chalk. It is highly advised to use wooden kitchen tools alongside enamel products.
Q. ホウロウのケトルを使っていると、お湯が七色に見えたり、白い粉状のものが出てくることがあります。これは何でしょうか?/When I use your kettle, sometimes the boiled water appears like it has different colours and a white powdery substance appears from it, what is this?
A. 水中に含まれる蒸発残留物(珪酸、酸化カルシウム、酸化マグネシウム)が濃縮され、お湯で反応し、
A. The concentration of minerals and chemicals from the tap water react when they boil and appear in different colours when they reflect off the glass outer layer of our products. The white powdery substance is also a byproduct of the minerals from the tap water and does not pose as being harmful to your wellbeing.
Q.保管する場合はどんなことに気をつければよいですか?/What are some things to take not off before storing my enamel products?
A. 乾いた布で十分に水分を取っていただいて、湿気のない風通しの良い場所に保管してください。
A. After washing your enamel products please makes sure to wipe it down with a dry towel and put it somewhere where there is good air flow and minimum moisture. Dropping your enamel products may damage the glass outer layer. To prevent accidental impact or dropping your enamel product it may be best to store it in a lower cabinet.
Q.鍋や容器のフチに黒く見える箇所があります。不良ではないないでしょうか/There is a black scratch, mark on the inner edge part of the lid of my enamel product, is this a defect?
A. 製造工程上、釉薬がかかりにくいフチなどは塗りムラが残ることがあります。
A. Due to the manufacturing process, the products are hanged from a machine where it burns to attach the outer glass layer. This in turn leaves marks from the machine or inconsistency in colour along the edge part of the lid. Rest be assured this is not a defect and is something every product contains.